
Buy Kapten Snus Online

If we had to make a list of the best traditional snus manufacturers in the world, Kapten Snus would make it into the top three. Kapten isn't just a brand; it is the entirety of snus history packed into compact cans. Each bag of Kapten is a homage to the pioneers of the industry. Why are we so in favor of Kapten? The answer to this lies in Kapten Snus's history.

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History of Kapten snus

Kapten is a subsidiary of AG Snus, also known as Assens Tobaksfabrik. For all of those who don't know about AG, it is a family-owned business that dates back to 1864. Every high-quality product of this brand is backed by more than five generations of knowledge from dedicated snussz lovers.

And they intend to continue their tradition with all the dedication that their bodies can muster over the next few years. In 2021, AG became a part of Phillip Morris International. However, the people working on/for AG are still the same, so you can expect the same strong snussz of supreme quality.

Order Your Kapten Snus

You can buy all your favourite Kapten products from snusdaddy at the best prices. And our catalog isn't limited to this brand. We have products from some of the best names in the industry, like Siberia, Killa, and Odens. We also have a variety of tobacco-free nicopods and SWEETS!

You can buy these and many more at special discounted prices through our Special Deals section. You can also enjoy our fast shipping policy with each order. We dispatch all orders within 24 hours, and most of our fam receive their orders within 3 to 5 working days. So order away, and enjoy!

But what should you order? We only want the best for you, so let's look at the...

Best Kapten Snus Products

Kapten is a well-knit brand that focuses more on traditional Swedish snus. It is one reason why they only have five different products. However, the quality of each product is on par with products from some of the best snus manufacturers. Here are some of the most legendary snus portions from Kapten.

Kapten Extra Strong White Portion

As the name implies, the Original Portion is a chapter straight out of the book of classic snus. It has a classic taste of tobacco mixed with hints of bergamot. It has an intensive nicotine kick of 15 mg and lasts for a long time. Snus lovers will love this product!

Kapten White Melon Extra Strong

Imagine the classic taste of snus with a slightly modern twist of melon. You can also taste hints of mint along with a traditional tobacco character. This snus portion is perfect for people who want a strong nicotine hit and the best of Kapten Vit flavoured snus.

Kapten Vargtass White Strong

Vargtass is a fresh break from the strong mint snus flavour that most producers follow. This novel snus portion is infused with the taste of juicy lingonberry. Like most Kapten brand portion snus, this snussz has 15 milligrams of nicotine per gram.

Kapten Salmiak White Extra Strong

It has a distinct tobacco taste mixed with licorice. The strong tobacco and licorice make this snussz a refreshing entry for strong snus users worldwide. However, we would like to inform you that these pouches are a bit too strong for novices.

Who Is Kapten Snus For?

Kapten snussz comes in different flavors and offers terrific value. However, these pouches are, on average, stronger than 15 mg/g. The high nicotine content that this snus offer makes it unfit for novices. Only when you have experience in using snussz should you use these pouches.

Also, anyone who wants to quit smokeless tobacco should not use these pouches. However, you can use them if you would like to quit cigarettes or other heated tobacco products.

A snus from AG Snus. Read more about them here.

AG Snus found at Snusdaddy.
